Thursday, January 31, 2013

Silk Factory

Today we learned how people make silk.  Thailand is famous for silk.  Silk comes from the silk worms’ cocoons.  The silk factories have silk worm eggs, and then the eggs hatch.  Then there are tiny silk worms.  They feed them mulberry leaves.  They eat and they eat, and they make a cocoon.  Before the worms become moths, people have to boil the cocoons before they hatch.  Then they make strands of silk.  After they get the strings of silk, they dye it.  Sometimes they make multi-colors.  

Then they put the silk thread on a loom and make silk fabric.  A fast and focused weaver can make 9 meters of fabric in one day!  People can make all sorts of things out of silk from eyeglass cases to purses.  Also, they make placemats, clothes, and pillows.  I loved seeing how silk was made, but it was kind of sad that people had to destroy the silk worm’s life cycle just to get silk.  There are a lot of silk worms on this earth, so I don’t think they’ll become extinct.
In the evening I got to see my Yai-Yai’s eldest sister.  Her granddaughter (my cousin) is a famous singer in Thailand.  She plays a ukulele.  I met her brother for the first time.  He was very fun.  He showed us his alligator/fish, an alligator gar.  I was happy to see my Yai-Yai’s older sister and her whole family.  -Vanessa 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chiang Mai

I went to see elephants in Chiang Mai.  It was the Maesa Elephant Camp.  First, I fed the elephants bananas and sugar cane.  It was cool.  I have a banana in my hand and I'm feeding this elephant in this picture, but you might not see it.  
Next, I saw the elephants take a bath in the river.  They laid down and one was sitting, and the trainers brushed them and cleaned them.  You might not think that they have hair, but they do have some hair. 

Then I went to the elephant show.  The elephants just rule.  They pulled big, fat logs one at a time.  Two boy elephants with long tusks and one girl elephant stacked the logs, and then they bowed.  My great-grandpa owned elephants to do work in his wood mill.  Elephants are strong and smart.
I went on a half hour elephant ride next.  I saw the buildings down below the mountain.  She moved slowly and when she walked it was really bumpy.  That ride was the best.  

In the afternoon, we went to a temple in the mountains.  We walked up 207 steps to the top, so we could see the temple.  I rang a gong and rows of bells.  I sa-tuted to the Buddhas in the last picture.  I had a fun day. -Gavin

207 steps up to the top

I am ringing a large gong.

Chiang Mai Temple

Walking around the temple

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tha-Tha's Family

We went to Phimai and met Tha-Tha's family.  Phimai is the village where Tha-Tha and his brothers and sisters grew up.  There were 10 kids in all, 7 boys and 3 girls.  I have 5 uncles and 2 aunties still living and lots of cousins.
My great-grandparents ashes on both sides of us.

Ceremony to bless our family

When we got to Phimai, we went to the temple near our family's farm.  We had a little ceremony to pay respect to our ancestors.  We gave the monk gifts and he blessed our family.  We went and saw where my great-grandparents' ashes were placed.  I put flowers and incense near their ashes.

My Tha-Tha's father as a monk.

When Tha-Tha was in his first year of medical school, he became a monk for seven days.  In Thailand, parents are proud if their sons become a monk.  This temple is where Tha-Tha became a monk.  He had to meditate in the middle of the cemetery.  He stayed there night and day, and he said a prayer very loudly, so the Buddha would protect him from the bad spirits.

Next, we went to the ruins in Phimai.  It is called Prasat Hin Phimai.  It was a temple and is over 1,000 years old.  There were stone sculptures and buildings.  I found it interesting that the buildings are still standing.  My favorite part was running around in the grass.  In this park I also got my picture with a tamarind tree.  That's my middle name.

We went to the family farm.  I hung out with my Tha-Tha's family and saw the rice fields.  Then we had a dinner party at a restaurant.  My aunts and uncles sang songs and the kids played around.  I had a great time.  -Vanessa
My cousins and young aunties

Learn Thai:  "Alloy Mok Ka" It taste very good.

Friday, January 25, 2013


We are in Korat. Tha-Tha grew up near here. I got to go to the zoo and the dinosaur museum. The zoo had some different animals from our zoos. I saw a bird here and it was big.  It looked  like it had a little crown on its head that was straight. It was hornbill. Then I saw the snakes. I saw a king cobra and a golden Thai python. You will see my picture of a golden Thai python. It is really long and was white and yellow.

     Then I saw water buffaloes, and they can swim.  That's why they call them water buffaloes. My Tha-Tha use to ride water buffaloes when he was a kid. He would ride the water buffalo to herd the cattle. When it was hot, Tha-Tha would take the herd to the river. After the cows got their drink, they went back to the grass, but the water buffalo would jump into the river to swim because they were hot and they love to swim.

I saw elephants, and I saw chimpanzees. If you have seen the movie Chimpanzee, you would know what they look like. The chimpanzees were funny when people were throwing out bananas. I saw one  holding out his hand and shaking his arm so he could get one. Next, I went to see the animals that come out at night. They are called nocturnal animals. There were lots of animals in this zoo.

Next, I went to the dinosaur and fossil museum. I saw 2 dinosaurs fighting outside on the pond. They were just statues. They were not moving. I wondered why the plant eater was winning the fight against the T-Rex. I did not find out until the last movie. The plant eater had sharp claws and it was scratching and hitting the T-Rex to protect itself. The T-Rex did kill one of the plant eaters, but the 2 other ones ran away in the movie.

There was wood that turned to stone. It is called petrified wood. A huge rainstorm came and flooded the ground. The wind blew the trees down. Lots of sand and dirt covered the trees.  The wood broke apart. After a long time, the wood turned into crystals. Then it turned into stone. Then the rain and rivers washed all of the dirt away and people found the wood. Some people thought that the petrified wood was bones of a Cyclopes monster. Other people thought that the wood was spears and swords from a humongous battle of Gods. Some thought that a woman was trying to make a  fire, but the wood was too wet. So she got mad and turned the wood into stone.  These stories are just fake, but some people thought that. -Gavin


Ayutthaya was the ancient capital of Thailand. I got to see the temple, and it was all wrecked because of the Burmese. The city was destroyed in the 2nd fall of Ayutthaya.  All of the Buddha's heads were cut off because the Burmese wanted to destroy everything. There are remains of the brick buildings. The brick buildings use to be covered with cement, but now there is mostly brick showing. The cement has worn off.

   Later, we went to a temple that had a humongous sitting Buddha. We offered cloth to get blessed. They threw the cloth to the people that were on the statue. Those people dressed the Buddha with the cloth. Then they threw the rest of the cloth on the people and said a prayer. It was different.
After Ayutthaya, we went to Korat. This is near my Tha-Tha's village. We had dinner with some of his brothers and sister. I was exited to see them again. -Vanessa

Learn Thai: " Poot Thai Nit Noi Ka."
I speak little Thai. 

Internet issues

We've had Internet access difficulties, so it's been a while since we've been able to get onto the blog. I am currently only able to login with my iPad, so I'm unable to get photos from my camera uploaded. The kids will try to post shortly as long as we don't get kicked out of the system.  -Tanya

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Yesterday, I had fun in Chanthaburi.  I swam with lots of fish in a waterfall.  I caught a fish with a very, long green bean.  You can see it in the picture.  I put the green bean in the water and I waited for a fish to bite it.  Then when it had the green bean, I pulled the green bean out and I caught this fish. He or she jumped back in the water. 
Before I went in the water, Vanessa was by a rock and called to Mom.  I came over too.  She found a fish that was stuck between rocks and couldn't get out.  Three rocks were on the sides and one big rock on top.  It was swimming around in the little bit of water.  I tried to feed it, but it wouldn't come.  Mom said that it might have gotten out.  I hope he got out.  -Gavin