Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Nongnooch Garden

 Yesterday we went to to Nongnooch Garden.  That place was amazing.  We saw so many cool and interesting things, from flowerpot sculptures to feeding humongous fish.
 I got my picture taken with a live tiger and got to be picked up by elephants.  The elephants in the picture were the elephants in the Thai show we watched.  The Thai show was interesting.  The costumes were pretty because they had flowers and gems.  The women danced traditional Thai dances. The boys did Thai boxing (Muay Thai) and fought with swords and weapons.  We also saw an elephant show.  They did tricks like:  riding a tricycle that was their size, playing soccer and basketball, painting pictures, and dancing to Gangam Style.  We did a lot of awesome activities today!


  1. Vanessa,
    We love your photos! What did the it feel like to be wrapped up in an elephant's trunk? Amazing. And that picture of you and Gavin with the tiger is crazy! Were either of you scared? You made him look like he's just a giant kitty cat! =)
    -Julia & Lisa

  2. Dear Vanessa and Gavin,
    I like he stories that your grandpa told you. I think that the elephants are funny.
    Your friend,

    I love the kids' posts and your pictures! It looks like you're having a great trip and enjoying time with your family. The weather looks beautiful. How warm is it? The high is only supposed to be 9 degrees tomorrow! Brrr! Have you found any good shopping? :)

  3. Hi Vanessa I miss you a lot and sorry we have not been righting back

