Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Trip to Chaam Beach

I came to Chaam beach for three days and two nights.  It is near Hua Hin, southwest of Bangkok.  The beach is very beautiful, but there is a lot of trash on the shore washed up from the ocean.  The water is very warm, and it is fun walking on the beach and finding shells.  I saw a jellyfish.  He was in the sand, not moving.  Yesterday, I swam two times at the pool.  The pool is really big and it is also very beautiful.  

We went to a floating market yesterday, I got presents for my class.  The stores are on the water.  Other floating markets have people actually selling things from boats and under big tents.   

This goes to my class, especially Andrew.  There are cobras on the roof of our condo.  Of course, I'm tricking.  Who fell for that?  Ok let's get back to what I did.     

My favorite fruits in Thailand are little bananas, pemelos, and mangoes.  I've been eating a lot of sticky rice.  Yummy, yum, yum.  I'm having sooooooooo much fun.  -Vanessa

This picture is with my Uncle Na Yut.


  1. Vanessa,
    The food you are eating in Thailand sounds yummy. Do you have any pictures of the floating market? Sounds like a cool way to shop!
    -Julia & Lisa

    1. Dear Julia and Lisa, I don't have a picture of the floating market, but my mom found a picture of one on the internet. This kind of floating market is like the one I went to last time I went to Thailand. This time it was just shops built on the water. -Vanessa

  2. Dear Vanessa,

    We were wondering what you were holding in your hand in the beach picture. It looks and sounds like you are having fun in Thailand. Did you make friends yet? What do sticky noodles taste like? What does the floating market look like? It sounds so cool. We want a picture! Remember to tell us if you get bit by a cobra (that was Chrissy!). We liked your cobra joke (especially Andrew)! He fell for it! Are Victoria and Gavin having as much fun as you?

    You missed a beautiful day in Maine today. It's so warm outside and the trees looked pretty with so much snow this morning! We can't write long because we have to go take our NWEAs (reading today)! We'll write more tomorrow!

    Have a great day!

    Love, Your Class

    1. Dear 4E,

      In the picture I was holding one of the vertebrae of a fish. I thought it was a bone when I picked it up, and then I went to my Tha-Tha or Grandpa to see what it was because he loves nature and knows a lot about it. He told me it was a vertebrae, and he said there are a lot of them to make their backbone, that's kind of like our backbone. No, I haven't made any friends yet, but I'm going to meet cousins soon. I don't really know what sticky noodles taste like, but I know what egg noodles taste like and sticky rice. They are different things. Sticky rice is rice that is very sticky. It taste like regular rice, but you can make rice balls out of it and put pork, steak, or chicken with it. They put coconut milk on it sometimes, so they can have a dessert with mango and sticky rice. Yummy, yum, yum.

      No, I haven't been bitten by a cobra, but I have been bitten by mosquitos those nasty things. We're all having fun, but I'm having a little more fun that Victoria and Gavin. Gavin is sitting here and says, "Vanessa's having worse fun." Vanessa's says, "That's not true!" Gavin says, "That IS TRUE!" Vanessa yell, "THAT'S NOT TRUE!"

      Good luck on your NWEAs. Love, Vanessa
