Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Amazing Aquarium

Two days ago I went to an aquarium.  There were so many animals that it took three hours to go through to see each and every animal.   The first thing we saw were sand eels.  They were turquoise with black dots.  The next thing we saw were humongous crabs.  Their belly part was probably the size of a flattened coconut.  Their legs were the size of a baby's arm, but much thinner.  There were sea horses that were like as straight as a line.  Also, they swam with their noses facing towards the sand.  In the aquarium there was a rainforest exhibit.  They didn't have as many animals as in the ocean, but they had water rats, otters, tarantulas, snakes, and a few other animals.  When a man was feeding the otters and we were standing at the window, he threw food near us so we could get a close up of the otter.  The little otter was so cute.  I loved  the animals. 

 LEARN THAI:  Todays phrase is "Sa-Wa-Dee-Ka" (Girls end with Ka and boys end with Clup)
This means hello and good-bye.  

Sa-Wa-Dee-Ka    -Vanessa


  1. Ola Vanessa,
    The aquarium seems like a cool place. Snakes are good! (Andrew wrote that!) Was Victoria afraid of the animals at the Aquarium? What did the water rats look like? What was the coolest animal you saw at the Aquarium? Do you know how big the tanks were? Can your uncle speak english? Do you have an aunt there as well? (We understand it's not your real uncle, but proper in Thailand to call him Uncle). Is it hard to understand the words people say? What does the money look like there? Could you take a picture of it and send it for us? Does your uncle have any pets? Are there different types of pets there? Have you gone to the beach yet? If you did, do you think Maine's beaches are better? Is the water fresh or salt?

    Today in school, Seabird Sue came. She taught us about the adaptations of Puffins. We did a blubber experiment and blubber is definitely warmer than no blubber! Seabird Sue brought in duck feathers. It is called down. It is so light that when you close your eyes and someone puts in your hand, you can't even feel it! We wish you were here when she came. It was so fun!

    It's snowing here today, but we didn't have a snow day! Does it ever snow in Thailand?

    What do the phones and computers look like over there?

    We miss you! Keep having fun! Talk to you tomorrow!

    See you soon!

    Love, All of us in 4E

    1. Hi Everybody, That's cool that snow came. We didn't have any snow in Thailand. It doesn't snow here. I'm wearing shorts and a tank top because it's so warm. I learned about blubber and no blubber at my Burnt Island Camp over the summer. It would have been cool though if I could have seen Seabird Sue.

      When we went to the aquarium, Victoria was not afraid of the animals, but she didn't like the dark rooms that they were in. The water rats looked like big, fat otters, but they had a long rat tail. They're about a foot and three inches. The coolest animals were the sea horses that swam face down. They were long and skinny. No, I don't know how big the tanks were because they were all different sizes. There was one humongous tank that you could walk underneath in a thick glass tunnel. Yes, my uncle can speak English and yes, I do have an aunt. It is hard for me to understand the words people say, but some of them speak English and I am trying to learn some Thai words. No, my uncle doesn't have a pet. The pets in Thailand are mostly the same as the ones in the US, like dogs, birds, cats. Yes, I have gone to the beach. It is salt water. It is part of the Indian Ocean. I don't exactly think that Maine beaches are better. There is not as much trash in Maine, but in Thailand the water is warm and the sand is fresh.

      The 100 baht bills only equal about $3 US. The bills are orange, purple, blue, and light green, and their coins are different too. We'll try to take a picture of them. The computers and phones are like ours. Prepare for the cold weather, burrrr. I'll be thinking of you when I'm wearing my shorts and tank tops. Miss you. Vanessa

  2. Hi Vanessa,
    I would love to see those colorful sand eels! Sounds like you saw a lot of neat animals. Julia and I started reading a book about Thailand today. We didn't know what a dugong was until we looked it up. It said they are kind of related to elephants and manatees. I think there are only a few left in the whole world! =( Lisa & Julia

    1. Dear Lisa and Julia, That is sad about the dugong. We didn't get pictures of the eels, but we got video of them going up and down in the sand. Love, Vanessa

    2. post the video

