Saturday, January 19, 2013

My Tha-Tha's Stories

After dinner one night, my grandpa told me lots of stories.  Here is one.

When my grandpa was little, his grandfather grew mango trees when he was older.  People said, "You are old.  You will die before the mango trees will grow mangoes."  My great-great grandfather said, "Even if I die before the mango trees grow mangoes, I made a place for birds to live."  That made him happy.  He did die before the trees grew mangoes.

Another story is about my grandpa when he was 3.  His mom carried him and his baby brother in 2 bamboo baskets, like in this picture.  Grandpa was in the back basket and his baby brother was in the front.  His mom carried them through the farmland on animal paths.  At night, my grandpa asked his mom, "Can I be in the front?  I'm too scared of ghosts behind me.  So, I can be safe in the front and my baby brother can be in the back."  His mom said, "NO!  It is easier to have the heavy one in the back and lighter one in the front."  My grandpa cried the rest of the way home.  -Gavin

This is an example of how baskets are carried.  

1 comment:

  1. Gavin,
    Your Tha-Tha has some great stories. His mom must have been very strong to carry both him and his little brother in those baskets!
    -Julia & Lisa
