Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Yesterday, I had fun in Chanthaburi.  I swam with lots of fish in a waterfall.  I caught a fish with a very, long green bean.  You can see it in the picture.  I put the green bean in the water and I waited for a fish to bite it.  Then when it had the green bean, I pulled the green bean out and I caught this fish. He or she jumped back in the water. 
Before I went in the water, Vanessa was by a rock and called to Mom.  I came over too.  She found a fish that was stuck between rocks and couldn't get out.  Three rocks were on the sides and one big rock on top.  It was swimming around in the little bit of water.  I tried to feed it, but it wouldn't come.  Mom said that it might have gotten out.  I hope he got out.  -Gavin


  1. Hi Gavin,

    What did the fish feel like? Was it slippery?

    My grandparents are in Thailand right now. Maybe you will get to see them.

    It's so fun to see what you, Vanessa and Victoria are doing in Thailand.

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. HI Sarai,
      The fish were slippery and smooth. They tickled me when their fins touched my legs. That is neat your grandparents are here. Thanks for writing me.
