Friday, January 18, 2013


Outside the Emerald Buddha Temple

Today, we were in Bangkok.  We saw the Emerald Buddha at the temple.  It has 3 outfits, summer, rainy, and winter.  In Thailand there are only 3 seasons.

Royal Palace

 Then we went to the old royal palace.  The royal family does not live there anymore.  We went into the coronation room where the prince gets crowned king.  The current king is 85 years old.  He was crowned king when he was 19.  He has 1 son and 3 daughters.  This king was the only king born in the US.  He was born in Boston, Massachusetts because his father was in medical school.  His father's older brothers were kings.

Wat Poh:  Lying Buddha

Then we had lunch and after lunch we went to go see the great, humongous lying Buddha.  It is sooooooooo big!  It is about the size of a big airplane.

Then we went to my mom's 2nd cousin's house. She lives in California too.  We got to see her new son Jake.  He is so little and cute.  I think he's afraid of my brother.  He cried when he saw his face.  -Vanessa


  1. Ola Senorita,

    The floating market does seem like a cool place to shop and visit!

    Can you tell us more about the lying Buddha? We like the statue but we don't know what it symbolizes?

    We took our math NWEAs today and finished our reading NWEAs yesterday. You will be able to take them when you come back!

    Did Victoria like the palace?

    We find it strange that Thailand has three seasons. Do they call a season Rainy?

    Have a great weekend. We will talk to you again on Tuesday. We have a three day weekend because of Martin Luther King Day!

    Love, 4E

    1. Dear Class,

      Yes, one of the season's is Rainy. It is from July to October. There is summer and there is winter. Yes, Victoria did like the palace!

      Many people in Thailand are Buddhists. The Buddha was a religious teacher. His real name was Siddhartha Gautama. He was a prince before a teacher. There are many Buddhists temples with statues of Buddhas, so they can honor him.

      I sent you guys a postcard. I hope you like it.

      Love, Vanessa

  2. Vanessa,
    We like how you're posing like the statue outside the temple. The architecture there is so beautiful. Thanks for showing a picture of your mom too. Are your parents enjoying themselves like you are? =)
    -Julia & Lisa

    1. Hi Julia and Lisa,
      My mom is having fun, but my dad's coming tonight. I'm excited that my dad is coming. Hope you stay warm. -Vanessa

  3. Hi Vanessa, Gavin and Victoria,
    What did the palace look like inside?
    I like all of your pictures and stories.
    Love, Sarai

    1. Dear Sarai,
      We couldn't go into the main palace, but we went into the coronation room. The coronation chair was surrounded by gold decorations. It had a very tall ceiling. Glad you like our blog. Love, Vanessa, Gavin, & Victoria
